Alkaline Water Vending Machine

“Hottest Vending Opportunity in America Today”

The demand for healthier Alkaline Water is exploding. Don’t miss this opportunity!

We strive to reinvent the bulk water vending business, our trendy design and technological innovations allow us to help retailers and investors to offer not only premium and Alkaline Water but also and experience that enables to capture new marketsexperience markets

Bleu Flux
Powered by
SAI Water






Bleu Flux Vending Machine
Cashless System

Cashless System

Get more customers with phone and credit card payments, improve sales and reduce costs

Dispensing Options

Dispensing Options

Dispensing from 1 liter up to 5 gallons, more options for your customers

Compact Design

Compact Design

Just 5,6 SF of operations, Small and compact design.

Water Treatment Technology

Water Treatment Technology

The best water technology system, 9 stage treatment offering the best water quality



Internet sales monitoring, track your sales in real time in all you devices

Bleu Flux’s Machines Attract Customers Like a Magnet

Bleu Flux Vending Machine
  • Made in the USA Quality: Lifetime warranty; ADA Compliant; Department of Energy approved.
  • eManage Vending Software: Manage sales, profit margins and inventory from any device, 24/7.
  • SmartPhone Payment Technology: Accept cash, coin, and credit or debit cards—and payments by smartphones, watches and other devices.
  • Optional SmartMart Side Vendor: Offer Alkaline Water in a gym or in a hotel.
  • Optional Wellness Center Side Vendor: Offer over-the-counter Alkaline Water.
  • Machine Graphics: Choose from our graphic options or design your own. And we never put OUR name on YOUR machines.

The #1 Opportunity in a Booming Industry

Window of Opportunity

Window of Opportunity

The Best Locations

The Best Locations

Unparalleled Support

Unparalleled Support

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